Flower Names



A Lovely little Keepsake gift for a special person.

Material: MDF
Size: 28cm Tall

Maximum amount of letters is 10 due to size and strength

They can be used for:
Gift Tags
To pop in a Flower arrangement
Put it in a frame
Teachers Gift
Wedding place names
Birthday name places and Keepsake
Can be painted or Glittered
Cupcake decoration

Choose your design from the dropdown menu below, there is also an image with the reference numbers under the main image 🙂

  1. Rose
  2. Tulip
  3. 3 Heart Flower
  4. Pohutakawa
  5. Daisy
  6. Carnation

Additional information

Flowers Names

3 Heart flower, 4 Pohutakawa, 5 Daisy, 6 Carnation, 1 Rose, 2 Tulip
